Duterte warns all Internet Provider to make internet speed fast but now Globe fires up 1st 700MHz cell site in Diliman

Photo credit to GlobeICON

Just in! Globe starts up first 700MHz cell site in Diliman.

Globe Telecom today demonstrated NTC authorities the first completely operational 700MHz cell site in Diliman, QC. Speed tests demonstrated 60-100Mbps (for 700Mhz empowered gadgets) portable web speed.

More territories will soon encounter the advantages of 700MHz as Globe reveals the new range.

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Duterte warns all Internet Provider to make internet speed fast but now Globe fires up 1st 700MHz cell site in Diliman Duterte warns all Internet Provider to make internet speed fast but now Globe fires up 1st 700MHz cell site in Diliman Reviewed by Tsismiso on 11:59 PM Rating: 5